Tentang Kami

PT. Sejahtera Energy Abadi didirikan dengan visi untuk dapat mengembangkan dan menerapkan solusi energi terbarukan di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini, kami berfokus pada pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Sampah, Floating Solar Panel dan Transportation memberikan kontribusi nyata terhadap pengurangan dampak perubahan iklim dan penggunaan energi fosil.

Kami percaya bahwa masa depan energi ada di tangan kita, dan kami berkomitmen untuk menghadirkan solusi yang berkelanjutan, efisien, dan ramah lingkungan bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

aerial photography of green leafed vegetable farm


  • Menyediakan solusi energi terbarukan yang dapat diandalkan dan terjangkau.
  • Meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya penggunaan energi bersih.
  • Berkontribusi pada pengurangan emisi karbon dan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan.


Menjadi pemimpin dalam solusi energi
terbarukan, khususnya dalam penerapan
teknologi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Sampah,
yang berkelanjutan dan berdampak positif bagi
generasi mendatang.

Lokasi Perusahaan

PT. Sejahtera Energy Abadi berlokasi di Indonesia, fokus pada solusi energi bersih seperti Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Sampah, Floating Solar Panel, dan Transportation.


Jalan Pangeran Jayakarta Dalam No. 2 B, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.

Galeri Energi

Menampilkan inovasi dan solusi energi bersih yang berkelanjutan.

A wind turbine with a solar panel against a clear blue sky, placed on a simple metallic structure. The scene conveys a sense of clean, renewable energy and tranquility.
A wind turbine with a solar panel against a clear blue sky, placed on a simple metallic structure. The scene conveys a sense of clean, renewable energy and tranquility.
Several wind turbines are positioned in a vast open field, with the sun partially obscured by one of the turbine blades. The sky is dotted with scattered clouds, allowing beams of sunlight to break through. The landscape appears serene and expansive, with the focus on renewable energy sources.
Several wind turbines are positioned in a vast open field, with the sun partially obscured by one of the turbine blades. The sky is dotted with scattered clouds, allowing beams of sunlight to break through. The landscape appears serene and expansive, with the focus on renewable energy sources.
An aerial view of a building with a large array of solar panels on its roof. The structure is surrounded by greenery, pathways, and some smaller structures or landscaped areas. The environment appears to be a mix of natural and man-made elements, suggesting a focus on sustainability.
An aerial view of a building with a large array of solar panels on its roof. The structure is surrounded by greenery, pathways, and some smaller structures or landscaped areas. The environment appears to be a mix of natural and man-made elements, suggesting a focus on sustainability.
A large wind turbine stands prominently against a partly cloudy sky. It towers above grassy hills, indicating a renewable energy source in a natural landscape.
A large wind turbine stands prominently against a partly cloudy sky. It towers above grassy hills, indicating a renewable energy source in a natural landscape.